Assistant Coach

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Assistant Coach

In summary, the Assistant Coach’s role is to support the Coaches by delivering session activities and games, may this be on a one to one or group basis. To assist in the delivery of SDSG’s reward schemes with the aim of supporting all members to achieve the best they can. Our fortnightly swim session is on a Saturday evening 6pm till 7.15, so if you have 75mins to spare up to 22 times a year, please get in touch.

Assistant Coach

Duties include:

Being a point of contact for training, games and timings during SDSG sessions.

Delegating tasks to group members and volunteers

Organising session games and activities, ie basket ball

Ensuring all equipment is put out at the start of each session and put away at the end.

Working with parents and carers

Work with the Coaches to develop and improve the groups Reward Scheme, by utilising your knowledge and experiences as an Assistant Coach.

Be aware of the members owns goals / philosophy / style, eg what motivates them and what they want to achieve. Ensuring the right balance between recreational, rehabilitation and swimming for sport base on the individual

Seek continual improvement through performance evaluation and ongoing education

Being knowledgeable about swimming as a sport, including the rules and the skills required

Working with fellow volunteers to ensure the smooth running of session activities, member timings and training

Ensuring accurate scores / notes / achievements are recorded for SDSG's Reward Scheme and for any other scheme / award/ competition, ie Special Olympics

Encouraging all members to perform to the best of their ability at all times

Reviewing individual medical forms and be aware of any limitation on the members participation noted on that form

Taking the lead to ensure the members performance records are up-to-date

Skills you would need

We need people who are confident enough to have a go, and who can commit to volunteering regularly for at least 15/24 fortnightly swim sessions a year. You would also need:

  • Knowledge of and / or experience in swimming
  • Experience of working with children and vulnerable adults
  • The ability to relate to and engage with young people
  • Effective listening and communication skills
  • Awareness of SDSG practices
  • Willingness to learn and undertake training
  • Effective communication
  • Ability to work as part of a multi disciplinary team
  • Ability to delegate tasks
  • An awareness of different disabilities and medical conditions, with a particular focus on how they may affect swimming
  • Ability to give direction to general volunteers
  • An understanding of the voluntary role and the responsibility and boundaries it entails

What would the volunteer gain?

We believe that volunteering is a two-way exchange of skills. Volunteering with us you would receive travel expenses (where incurred), have an initial induction and 'on the job' training and regular supervision and support from a named supervisor.

This role would suit anyone wanting to gain:

  • Experience of the voluntary sector and working with people with disabilities and their family's
  • Experience in coaching
  • Experience in working with parents and carers
  • Improve confidence
  • Improve communication skills
  • Meet new people and do something different
  • Develop teaching and coaching skills

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