February 2025
Calderdale PE Conference (in partnership with Active Calderdale and School Games)
Tue, 11th Feb 2025 (09:00 - 15:30)
The Shay Stadium, The Shay Stadium, Halifax, HX1 2YS
9.8 miles
Only 47% of children are meeting the CMO's guidelines of 60 minutes of physical activity each day. More worryingly, significant inequalities remain, with Black and Asian children (40%), and those from the least affluent families (44%), still less likely to be physically active and girls (44%) are less likely to be active than boys (51%).
What barriers prevent these pupils from participating, and what challenges do PE leaders face in closing this gap? Our conference, supported by district partners, will focus on strategies to help schools identify and support these pupils through curriculum PE, extracurricular sports, and broader physical activity initiatives.
VHF Radio
Wed, 26th Feb 2025
Totley Sheffield, Saint Mary's Gate, Saint Mary's Church, Sheffield, S174DT
30.2 miles
VHF Radio Licence - COMPLETED IN ONE DAY - for boaters DSC SRC (short range course). Generally held the last Sunday of the month through the winter months. Yachtsmen, and Cruisers, require, the VHF Radio license by law, but just as important the training to use the equipment correctly. European charter companies require that a member of a bareboat hire crew holds the license.