Time for Action on Racism in Sport

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Time for Action on Racism in Sport

Are you able to influence change in sport in Yorkshire and the Humber?​ This interactive conference will help you to make change within your organisation and community.

The Long Room, Headingley Stadium, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS6 3BR
Antoinette Duffin / antoinette.duffin@yorkshiresport.org / 03302020280

Time for Action on Racism in Sport

The Yorkshire and Humber Anti-Racism in Sport Group would like to invite people to come together and help tackle racism in sport.

The speakers and workshops will be themed around three areas:

  • Acknowledgement - What are people experiencing and feeling?
    Being honest about areas where problems need addressing.
  • Barriers - What's stopping people from being inclusive?
    How to identify and deal with barriers and blockers.
  • Culture - When are we going to get equality?
    Building a culture that lets fairness thrive.

Speakers include


  • 9.30 – 10.00 Arrival - refreshments​
  • 10.00 – 10.45 Introduction, main speaker​
  • 10.45 – 11.30 Speaker and workshop A​
  • 11.30 – 11.45 Comfort break (no refreshments)​
  • 11.45 – 12.30 Speaker and workshop B​
  • 12.30 – 13.15 Lunch​
  • 13.15 – 14.00 Speaker and workshop C​
  • 14.00 – 14.30 Q&A with presenters​
  • 14.30 – 15.00 Close – Call to Action ​


Thank you for booking your place. We will be back in touch nearer to the event date with further information.

General Ticket



Sales end 29th October 2024